The Commercial Growers of Wisconsin (CGW) are a diverse group of wholesale and retail plant production business owners, employees, as well as greenhouse suppliers, horticultural students, and other advocates dedicated to the horticulture and floriculture industry. Established in 1953 out of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the CGW has expanded its membership to include all commercial and retail plant growers throughout the state that are interested in improving their plant production and marketing practices.

Meetings are held at various member locations throughout the year and are open to all including non-members. These free meetings provide the perfect opportunity to meet and network with your industry peers as well as tour their facilities. Enjoy a complimentary snack and a presentation from a special guest speaker.
Each season we partner with the UW-West Madison Agricultural Research Station to trial selected annual plant varieties for our membership to analyze. Aside from the garden trials, this valued and much anticipated event includes a complimentary lunch and an educational seminar.
The CGW Annual Fall Conference features guest industry speakers as well as a host of vendors. This event is always a great way to network and connect with fellow members throughout the entire state. Many members bring their staff as there is plenty to learn and many to meet. This event alone is worth the price of membership!

Wednesday, February 12th: Mitchell Park Domes
Thursday, March 13th: TBD
Wednesday, April 9th: Groth's Country Gardens
Thursday, June 19th: Annual Roundtable Discussion
Thursday, August 7th: CGW Field Day
Wednesday, September 10th: TBD
Wednesday, October 8th: CGW Fall Conference
Thursday, November 6th: Paul's Petal Pushers